Fitness Center

We help you achieve harmony, balance, passion & feel amazing in your life through fitness & nutrition

CrossFit Montreal-Wednesday October 22
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

(courtesy of

1. Squats
8×4 Back Squats, across (For class setting 5X4 Backsquats)

2. TEAM WOD (For class each teams start at different stations)
With a running clock, Teams of two complete as much work as possible at each station (1 athlete works at a time:):
6 minutes of Farmer’s Carry, as heavy as possible, for max distance
6 minutes of Sled Drag, bodyweight, for max distance
6 minutes of Ski Erg, for max calories (modify to Rower for class)
6 minutes of Cleans, 155/105, for max reps
6 minutes of Assault Bike for max calories (modify to Airdyne for class)
6 minutes  Medball Cleans as heavy as possible for max reps 

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